Discover a refreshing time-out with our DIY bath salt recipe for a cooling effect. Add a sparkling touch to your bathing experience by combining high-quality ingredients yourself. Our simple instructions allow you to create refreshing bath salts that not only relax but also revitalise. Enjoy the cooling effect and pamper yourself with a homemade spa experience in your own bathroom.
Bath salts with cooling effect fragrance kit
Raw materials for 100 g + fragrance
Dead Sea Salt
100 g
Eucalyptus oil
10 drops
Cajeput oil
6 drops of
Babassu oil
5 g
You will also need, for example, well-sealable test tubes as gift packaging or other packaging material. For visual refinement, approx. 1 - 2 tablespoons of dried flowers or e.g. peppermint leaves can be mixed into the bath salts.
Description: Dissolve the bath salts in a full bath and enjoy the wonderful mixture of fragrances to breathe deeply!
Mix the Dead Sea salt with the essential oils, and add any dried flowers and bottle.
Done :-)